Rosetta Prerelease
We hope all stores running a Prerelease this weekend have a wonderful event! The set has amazing art and looks and players will be excited to try out the new heroes and cards.
An important reminder:
Rosetta booster product must be used for the Prerelease Event only and cannot be sold until the official release date, 20 September 2024.
Any remaining unused boosters/ boxes from your optional prize support must not be sold or distributed as prizing at any events outside of the Pre-release events prior to the release date.
Rosetta Blitz Collection is part of Early Access promotion for Prerelease stores. Blitz Collections can be sold between 3pm local time on Friday, 13 September till end of Monday, 16 September.
Rosetta Prerelease Information
Important Dates
Prerelease Expected delivery: From 9 September 2024
Prerelease Date: 13-16 September 2024 (Booster Product not for sale. Events only)
Official Release Date: 20 September 2024
5th Anniversary Celebration Events
Stores who are eligible for the November Armory Kit will receive, in addition to the standard armory kit, a special set of 5th Anniversary Promos containing 16x Ira, Scarlet Revenger!
These promos are to be used as participation prizes at 5th Anniversary Celebration events. Each player who signs up for the event should be given an Ira, Scarlet Revenger promo card, while stocks last. If the event runs with more than 16 players, stores may provide the promos as random draw or otherwise at the store's discretion.
We expect to send out November Armory Kit allocations mid-October.
5th Anniversary Celebration FAQ
5th Anniversary Celebration Marketing Assets